Saturday, May 14, 2011

Early mornings

(writing on an ipad cause I dropped my MacBook this week and it doesn't work. So forgive me for typos)

Ater waking up at 3:45 am and not being abke to get back to sleep, I started brainstorming. I decided it was finally time to get my story idea out of my head and onto the web. Didn't mean for that to rhyme but I am feeling somewhat delirious right now.

So... The basic idea of this is something I have wanted to do for years with friends. I wanted to do a back and forth story where I wrote a paragraph and then they wrote one. The thought was that it would help with any writers block as well as take the story in a direction you never imagined. But the problem with friends is that they sometimes seem interested in your ideas for awhile and then they lose interest. So after coming to the conclusion, after many years, I decided why nit do it with strangers. Hence the title of this site.

The goal as of now is to have at least 1 story going on at any given time with at least two people. The rules are that you can not write more than 2 paragraphs or 250 words without passing the story back. At some point, if enough people like this and follow on Twitter/Facebook, then users cAn also submit entries via those sites. Tim Burton did a story like that on Twitter and I thought it was awesome.

You may ask what I hope to get out of this and I will say I just want to write and create and help others do thAt. So as long as someone joins with me, then my mission has been achieved.

For now, if you are interested leave a comment here or email me at


  1. Love the idea! I'll get writing....

  2. I want to do this. Very creative idea, Ryan.

  3. Lurve it! Will get a writting the moment my assignement is done and done! Nice work Ryan!

  4. I´m from Argentina and love the idea. Count with me. My Twitter @MartinRedDevil
